Symbols are strongly
connected to feelings. Therefore it’s important to deal with them and
understand their meaning.
Nevertheless it
would be exaggerated to try to show all different symbols of the German
history. Rather an impression shall arise, of what state- and national-symbols
are, how symbols changed their meanings and which symbols are therefore
important in a creative work for German-American cultural life.
Some are only
shown to get explained and in some cases the designs are a little “modern“.
The reason is that they are also buyable in these appearances.
A List of Symbols
of the single States of the USA can hopefully soon be found on the
state-sites. Regional German Symbols can be discovered in our chapter “The
Tribes“. - A very remarkable detail Germerika has already
discovered in the picture of her Mama Germania above, which adorned the
conference hall of the national assembly at the Paulskirche in Frankfurt am
Main in 1848:
The Flag of the German people. As a ”people’s flag“ it’s kept simple
in three stripes. Exactly this way they were first combined by the democrat
Johann Philipp Abresch. They’re those of the older “Reichsadler = Reich
Eagle”. The flag itself however was a revolutionary symbol from the very
beginning. It symbolizes the German people and it’s dream of a
liberal-democratic German national state. Therefore it was forbidden early
and the nazis later burned it publicly, together with books.
German symbol with the longest history. An official symbol, but the
word “State” is problematic in the time of the Reichssturmfahne’s rise. At
first the medieval Reichssturmfahne/ (1) was square. The red streamer was
fixed steadily. On later pictures the Design changes however and the flag
gets elongated and also shown with the double eagle (2). The pole was red as
well and it’s “spearhead” silver. Since 1698 the office of the
Reichsturmfähnrich (Reichs-standardbearer) gets called Reichsbannerträger
(reichsbannerbearer). As often several “banners“ were shown (already on
medieval pictures), the Reichssturmfahne is probably rather a kind of
“original“ or special “war variant“ with an ideational importance, but not
something else than the “Reichsbanner“ (see the “Kreuzbanner” below however).
Maybe one should therefore simply call the flag shown here “Reichsbanner”,
as soon as one leaves the typical red streamer away. In every case it is the same Symbol
for the Reich, probably similar to a constitution, which’s original is kept
specially. In the second depiction, with the double eagle, the flag embodies
the historic development of these Reichssymbols best, as it also became a
symbol for the yearned revolutionary state! Thereby it was sometimes
shown as a long banner, with the inscription above next to the eagle. In a
once again changed form it was also the flag of the Austrian monarchy until
1918, which carried on the symbolism of the Old Reich/ Holy Roman Empire of
the German Nation as the “Kaisertum Österreich“. However the Reichssturmfahne
was always kept up in the Swabian south-west of Germany, since Charles the
Grand. In the coat of arms of the City of Ludwigsburg, where it was brought
in 1718, it has no red streamer anymore. Materially the last Reichssturmfahne
burned in Stuttgart 1944 during an allied bomb raid. It was a pure “antique“
at this time. The Symbol has always survived (especially because of
it’s diversity)! … - More about these
symbols can of course be found in our ”History“ chapter (including
1. The
(war-)flag of the German Confederation since 1848. A success of the national
movement, for it was forced on the lords. The old double eagle (here as the
symbol of the Confederation) was included into the previously forbidden
2. The “Flagge
für Dienstbehörden zu Land = Flag for land departments“ of the
republican German Reich after 1919.
Since 1949 used by the so called “Federal Republic of Germany“* (FRG) as the
“Bundesdienstflagge = Federal Service Flag“. To the citizens (actually the
sovereign of a republic) it’s use is prohibited!
3. The flag
of the so called “German Democratic Republic“**. -
That this state appeared very German optically, was caused by
the Soviets ... - It’s never been democratic ... -
Even when it was “abolished“, this happened under political and
economical duress. - The rest were communism, a wall, fences,
barbed wire, prisons and victims. –
Black-Red-Gold, the colors of the dream of
German unity (Einigkeit), in justice (Recht) and freedom (Freiheit) are
nothing but scorn thereby! - Insurgents however used the flag with cut
out coats of arms and turned it back into the people’s symbol this way!
4. The
standard of the president of the (republican) German Reich after 1919. The reference to the old Reichsbanner is obvious.
After 1949 used by the so called “Federal Republic of Germany“* for it’s
“Federal Presidents“.
* The German name is different to the
English expression “Federal Republic of Germany“. “Bundesrepublik
Deutschland“ means “Federal Republic Germany”. However the state is not
Deutschland/ Germany. The word “Deutschland” arose in the 15th
century from “das deutsche Land = the German country”. So Deutschland/
Germany is the land, marked by the German culture - a culturally defined area
- not a state! No other state has ever officially called itself
Germany(!), but several included much more of this territory and the German
people! Just using this name would be incorrect, manipulating and morally
** This State was never democratic and
never a republic (a state of the people)! Just using this name would be
incorrect, manipulating and morally wrong.
Black-White-Red. The Flag of the Northern German Union after 1866 as well as of
the German Reich after 1871. Both institutions are consequences of the civil
war, the “German War” of 1866, caused by Prussia (see our chapter “History”).
2. The “Flag
for Naval-Departments“ of the (republican) German Reich after 1919.
3. The
“Dienstflagge = Service Flag” of the imperial German Reich.
The so called “Reichskriegsflagge = Reich War Flag“. Actually
simply the military flag of the imperial German Reich. In the
beginning the republican German Reich used it as well. A version with
Black-Red-Gold was theoretically established by a decree in 1919, but never
realized in fact. The cross doesn’t need to be regarded as Christian here. It
embodies the Iron Cross, which is indeed based on the symbolism of the
Teutonic Order, but which developed into an unreligious, national symbol
throughout history. Accordingly the Iron Cross is present two times: up on
the left “directly“ and “stylised“ in the big cross. -
The reason: The design is older than this specific flag. The first
design was not even created for this Reich, already contained the old
Black-Red-Gold (instead of the younger Black-White-Red) and showed no
authentic Iron Cross yet.
Black-White-Red the imperial German Reich in 1871 realized the so called
“Small-German Solution“ for the foundation of a German national state.
Therefore these flags shall directly be followed by three Austrian flags
here. However it’s necessary to mention before, that (like in the USA) many
flags of different authorities existed, which were designed with the colours
of the Reich. Accordingly those above are only important examples.
Red-White-Red - In Austria the imperial colours
Black-Yellow were opposite to the colours Red-White-Red. A concurrence to the
all-German Dreifarb never existed. Red-White-Red and Black-Red-Gold
graced the barricades of the German Revolution of 1848 together in
Austria. It had begun in Vienna and also reached it’s zenith in the old
German “Kaiserstadt” = “Imperial City”. In 1866 Austria went to war against
Prussia (“Bundesexekution = Federal Execution”) under Black-Red-Gold together
with the majority of the other German states, as Prussia claimed to have left
the German Confederacy.
The appearance of
the eagles vary, because of the different historic Austrian states. At
the foundation of the Republic of Austria on November 12th 1918 the state
directly declared itself a part of the German Republic (republican German
Reich), which had been proclaimed in Berlin three days before. The western
powers however blocked this creation of a liberal, democratic German national
“Kaisertum Österreich” - Imperial
Other independent
current states need to be mentioned too:
Red-White-Blue - not only the colours of the USA and
Missouri: also Luxemburg and the Netherlands utilize these colours.
Both belonged to the Reich for many centuries. Luxemburg also to the
German Confederacy until 1866. Accordingly Black-Red-Gold has already
been enforced here as well! Further Information to the Netherlands can be
found in the chapters “History” and “Language” as well as “The tribes” –
“Frisians” and “Franks”.
2. Switzerland. The
”Swiss Confederation“ arose in the Reich and existed inside
it for a long time. More about that can be found in our chapters
”The Tribes“ - ”Swabians/ Alemans “ and “history”. With reversed colours the
Swiss flag was made the Symbol of the International Red Cross!
3. “Kreuzbanner
= Cross-Banner” of the Reich. The origin of the Swiss flag:
This Flag was shown as a Reichssymbol in the Holy Roman Empire of the German
Nation next to the kingsley/imperial Banner. It lost any meaning in the late
middle ages. Before that however King Sigismund had entrusted the Banner to
the Swiss for their fight against the outlawed Habsburger line. In the Swiss
flag it lives on until today.
4. Principality
of Liechtenstein - still a purely German State! Member of the
German Confederacy until 1866. Accordingly Black-Red-Gold has
already been enforced here as well! Afterwards closely connected to Austria,
since 1918 closely connected to Switzerland.
There’s no place
here for nazi-flags! One can mention, that for many German soldiers in World
War II. they were simply symbols for what they were fighting for:
Home, family, nation, fatherland and their comrades. Similar is this
when it is about family members at home. Many Americans know the according
feelings very precisely!
Also so called “Halbjuden
= Semi-Jews“ served bravely and courageously in this manner under these
symbols as soldiers of the German Wehrmacht! They shall be remembered
Apart from that,
should be mentioned, that these flags would be completely unsuitable
for the Germerika Project! They arose from a party’s symbolism and
barely from German history. Additionally they were not even used twelve
years, in one State of several!
…but nevertheless
they are undividably connected to so much injustice and pain, that one would
like to finish this paragraph with an expression of respect to the feelings
of the victims. Unfortunately this is not possible however, as otherwise it
would stay unmentioned, that they are actually only a topic here at all, so
that we don’t crudely ”dissociate“ from this part of German history. It
belongs to it! The symbols belong to it! But not to the future!
And especially not to the Germerika Project, which wants to help, to colorize
this future positively.
1. Flag of the
“Deutsche Burschenschaft = German Student Fraternity” from Jena of 1816.
Famous precursor of the Dreifarb. The young girl Amalie Nitschke
designed it - with great consequences! Can Amalie’s work
have even bigger consequences for the future, by being an inspiration? -
It depends on every reader of these lines!
2. In this
popular flag the colours black-red-gold are combined with the German eagle.
As a coat of arms this specific one was the Reich eagle of the
republican German Reich of 1919. The flag should not be taken for the flag
above (State symbols 2)! It is only a beautiful combination of two old German
national Symbols and was never the symbol of a state.
(More about the German eagle at the link below).
3. Teutonic
Order. The medieval Order’s State is the precursor of the state of Prussia.
4. Another
medieval symbol: The “Reichsrennfahne = Reich Racing Flag”. The name
comes from the tradition, that nobleman, who received a feoff from the
Kaiser, had to ride around him with this flag three times. Until today the
swords of this flag live on in the make of the old and famous china-producer
“Meissener Porzellan Manufaktur”.
5. The so called
“Wirmer-Flag“. Josef Wirmer was a member of the anti-nazi resistance
and took part in the coup d’état of
July 20th 1944. This shall be explicitly recognized here!
He had designed this flag for a freed German Reich. However it was never used
and forgotten for a long time. Here it’s nevertheless being mentioned, as it
can nowadays often be seen at demonstrations against the immigration politics
of the so called “Federal Republic of Germany“*, as it was always supposed to
show a reference to Christianity.
- In every case such flags are
incompatible with the principles of the Germerika Project! Here rules
a clear declaration for the religiously and politically neutral
German Dreifarb, Black-Red-Gold, as the symbol of all Germans
in the world, of the values of democracy and freedom as well as
the heritage of those, who fought for these values in Europe and
America! - “Hecker hoch!” (the explanation for this expression can be
found in Missouri …)
* The German name is different to the
English expression “Federal Republic of Germany“. “Bundesrepublik
Deutschland“ means “Federal Republic Germany”. However the state is not
Deutschland/ Germany. The word “Deutschland” arose in the 15th century
from “das deutsche Land = the German country”. So Deutschland/ Germany is the
land, marked by the German culture
- a culturally defined area
- not a state! No other state has ever officially called itself
Germany(!), but several included much more of this territory and the German
people! Just using this name would be incorrect, manipulating and morally
… by the way:
having just expressed a “Hecker hoch!“
- The Germerika Banner
is supposed to win attention for Germerika and Hecker in a patriotic
way. The banner is based on the design of Germerika’s dress and it’s a very
beautiful addition to any kind of American decoration with flags. It’s also a
perfect companion to sports events! Buying it and showing it, both
supports the project. More information is given below.